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    Uyghur-Chinese neural machine translation method based on back translation and ensemble learning
    FENG Xiao, YANG Ya-ting, DONG Rui, AZMAT Anwar, MA Bo
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2022, 48 (5): 99-106.  
    Abstract1520)      PDF(pc) (863KB)(336)       Save
    From the perspective of efficient utilization of existing resources, a method based on back-translation and ensemble learning is proposed to solve the problem of the poor performance of Uyghur-Chinese neural machine translation caused by the lack of parallel corpus. Firstly, Uyghur and Chinese pseudo-parallel corpora are constructed by using back translation and large-scale Chinese monolingual corpora, and the intermediate model is obtained by using pseudo parallel corpora training. Secondly, the bootstrap is used to resample the original parallel corpus for N times, and N sub-datasets with similar distribution but different characteristics are obtained. The intermediate model were fine-tuned based on N sub-data sets, and N sub-models with differences were obtained. Finally, integrate these sub-models. Experiments on the test sets of CWMT2015 and CWMT2017 show that theBLEU(Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) value of this method are 2.37 and 1.63 higher than that of the baseline system, respectively.
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    General model for kinematic analysis of swash plate axial piston pump
    WANG Jian-sen, CAO Wei-dong, HE Xin-long, WANG Zheng-rong, ZHANG Zhi-wei
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2021, 47 (5): 59-64.  
    Abstract546)      PDF(pc) (3701KB)(775)       Save
    Based on the comprehensive consideration of swash plate angle, cross angle and piston inclination angle of the swash plate axial piston pump, the general piston kinematics model is established by coordinate transformation method. The analysis results show that the cross angle of swash plate and the inclination angle of piston will increase the maximum amplitudes of displacement, velocity and acceleration of piston, and then increase the displacement of pump, the maximum transient flow velocity in the piston chamber and the inertia force of piston; the cross angle of swash plate will change the phase of piston movement and make the internal and external dead points deflect, which will change the pre-compression and pre-expansion angle of valve plate; the inclination angle of piston will affect the movement of the piston, the smaller the inclination angle of the plunger, the closer the movement of the plunger is to the simple harmonic motion, on the contrary, the larger the deviation is, the maximum deflection angle of internal and external dead center is 90°, the smaller the absolute value of the cross angle is, the smaller the deflection angle of internal and external dead center changes in the range of big swash plate angle, and the greater the gradient of change when swash plate angle is close to zero displacement.
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    A secure face recognition scheme based on CKKS homomorphic encryption and neural network
    SU Yun-xuan, TU Zheng, WANG Xu-an, LIN Chuan
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2023, 49 (2): 103-109.  
    Abstract510)      PDF(pc) (2072KB)(393)       Save
    As big data technology has been evolving over the years, facial recognition is widely used in different fields. However, users are then troubled by safety problems, such as privacy disclosure and data leakage. A face recognition scheme based on homomorphic encryption and neural network under the cloud server is proposed in this paper. The face image is encrypted through the CKKS homomorphic encryption scheme, and the LFW data set is trained through the ResNet50 model and Arcface Loss function in the cloud server, then the vector correlation between the encrypted images is calculated, followed by the decryption of the ciphertext result and comparison with the threshold to judge whether it is the same person, to realize face recognition. The experiment result shows that on the LFW dataset, the scheme of this paper can recognize the cryptograph with an accuracy rate of 99.398% when the threshold value is about 0.25. This result proves the proposed scheme has high recognition accuracy.
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    A small sample reliability assessment method based on Bootstrap
    ZHANG Zhen, LIU Jian-hui, ZHAO Cheng, YAN Chang-feng
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2022, 48 (1): 39-44.  
    Abstract471)      PDF(pc) (2389KB)(442)       Save
    In order to solve the problem that the maximum likelihood estimation method (Mle) may produce large errors in solving the distributed parameters in the case of small data samples, the B-MLE method is proposed based on Bootstrap data expansion. Firstly, the Bootstrap method was used to resample the small sample data to generate multiple groups of regenerated samples, so as to expand the data sample. Secondly, the maximum likelihood estimation is used to solve the distribution parameters of the regenerated samples, and the maximum likelihood estimation of multiple parameters is obtained. The probability density function is obtained directly from the parameter estimation by using the kernel density estimation method. Finally, at a given confidence level, the confidence interval of parameters is determined to obtain the confidence interval of reliability. The feasibility and credibility of the proposed method are verified by Monte Carlo method. The results show that the proposed method can reduce the error of maximum likelihood estimation.
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    Cleaning and modeling of abnormal data of wind farm power curve
    CAO Li-xin, LIU Wei-min, GUO Hu-quan
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2022, 48 (4): 64-70.  
    Abstract469)      PDF(pc) (3178KB)(764)       Save
    The wind speed and power data of wind farms usually contain a large number of abnormal data, which is difficult to reflect the real working conditions of wind turbines, affect the accuracy of wind power prediction, and then cause certain economic losses. To solve this problem, the characteristics of abnormal data are analyzed, a slip-quartile abnormal data elimination method is proposed, and the wind speed power curve of the eliminated data is modeled by using high-order polynomial and Logistic function. Finally, the applicability and effectiveness of this method are verified by variance, root means square error and determination coefficient. The analysis in the example shows that the method is simple, efficient and versatile, and can significantly improve the accuracy of wind turbine power characteristic analysis.
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    First principles on the effect of Cr content on the electronic structure and mechanical properties of Fe 3Al alloy
    LI Ya-min, ZHANG Jun-xia
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2022, 48 (2): 1-8.  
    Abstract462)      PDF(pc) (4161KB)(673)       Save
    Effect of Cr content on the electronic structure and mechanical properties of DO 3-Fe 3al alloy was investigated by using the first principle method based on density functional theory. The occupation of Cr in the supercell model was determined by calculating the formation heat and binding energy of the system before and after doping, and the micro mechanism of the effect of Cr on the mechanical properties of Fe 3Al alloy was revealed by calculating the elastic modulus, population, density of states and differential charge density. The results showed that Fe Ι bit is preferentially occupied when the Cr content is 3.125 at.%, while the content is 6.25 at.%), it tends to occupy Fe Ι and Al bit. The doping of Cr improves the stability of the system and the brittleness of the alloy, and the toughening effect increases with the increase of Cr content. Cr doping changes the distribution of electrons between atoms, with the increase of Cr content, the number of p-d hybrid electrons between Fe and Al decreases and the covalent bond decreases, at the same time, the charge transferring between atoms increases, the increase of Fe-Fe bond and the existence of Fe-Cr and Al-Cr anti bonds enhance the metallicity of the system, in addition, decrease of the covalent bond on the (100) plane but the increases of bonding strength between atoms on the (010) plane are all the essential reasons that the addition of Cr can improve the toughness of Fe 3Al alloy.
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    Influence of high rate charge and discharge cycle on the electronic performance and thermal safety of lithium ion battery
    LI Dong-qi, ZHANG Qing-song, ZHENG Shao-shuai
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2023, 49 (3): 30-35.  
    Abstract459)      PDF(pc) (2624KB)(654)       Save
    Lithium-ion batteries are widely used in electric vehicles and various energy storage devices. In this paper, cyclic aging and thermal runaway experiments under different charge-discharge rates were carried out, and the effects of large-rate charging and discharging on the performance and thermal safety of single lithium-ion batteries were studied. The results showed that the actual capacity of single lithium-ion battery is attenuated under the large-rate charge-discharge cycle, and the degree of attenuation is positively relevant to the charge-discharge rate. With the charge-discharge rate increasing, the constant current ratio is stepwise attenuation, but the coulombic efficiency still maintains in the range of 99%-100%, indicating that the reversible performance of lithium-ion batteries is normal. With the increase of the magnification, the thermal runaway trigger time, explosion pressure and jet flame temperature first increase and then decrease. The average surface temperature of the battery during explosion is 655.8 ℃, which is close to the melting point of aluminum. The explosion injection powder products are mainly metal aluminum, graphite and lithium cobalt oxide.
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    GV-Noetherian rings and their weak GV-injective modules
    ZHANG Xiao-lei, QI Wei
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2023, 49 (4): 146-150.  
    Abstract447)      PDF(pc) (548KB)(315)       Save
    The Cartan-Eilenberg-Bass Theorem for GV-Noetherian rings is given. The class of weak GV-injective modules is introduced to characterize DW-rings and von Neumann regular rings. In particular, it is proved that the ring is von Neumann regular if and only if any weak GV-injective module is an absolutely pure module, and if and only if any weak GV-injective module is coflat. Finally, the Megibben Theorem for GV-Noetherian rings is obtained. Meanwhile, some examples are provided to distinguish Noetherian rings, GV-Noetherian rings, and w-Noetherian rings.
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    Experimental study on repair of concrete cracks by microbial action
    CAO Hui, ZANG Yang, FENG Qiong, KANG Kai-wei YE Hu-zi, GOU Bao-xia, LIU Jun-jun
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2022, 48 (4): 126-131.  
    Abstract441)      PDF(pc) (4574KB)(452)       Save
    Microbial mineralization can effectively heal concrete cracks and therefore achieving the purpose of repairing concrete structures. In this paper, concrete specimens with cracks were taken as the research object. Bacillus pasteurii was used as the healing agent to repair the concrete specimens under different crack conditions, i.e. with width of 0.2 mm, 0.3 mm and 0.6 mm and depth of 20 mm and 30 mm, respectively. Through crack observation, ultrasonic testing, compressive strength testing and microscopic morphology analysis, the repair effects of the selected microorganism on concrete cracks were evaluated. The results show that Bacillus pasteurii can repair the surface cracks of concrete effectively. The supply of oxygen provides the necessary environmental condition for the mineralization of microorganisms inside the cracks. As the depth of the crack increases, the repair effect of Bacillus pasteurii decreases, and as the width increases, the mineralization effect of microorganisms in the cracks is weakened.
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    Optimal control of sensorless low speed operation of PMSM based on high frequency signal injection
    XIE Ping, BAO Guang-qing, QI Wu-gang, DU He-xuan
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2022, 48 (5): 85-91.  
    Abstract434)      PDF(pc) (2459KB)(409)       Save
    In the zero low speed operation control of sensorless permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM), the high frequency signal injection method is often used to track the position information, which will cause torque fluctuation and time delay. In this paper, a filter free rotor position identification method is proposed by combining sliding mode speed control and high frequency square wave signal injection. By increasing the frequency of square wave signal to the switching frequency of inverter and taking advantage of the characteristic that the fundamental wave signal cycle is far less than the high-frequency injection signal cycle, the signal separation in the traditional high-frequency signal injection is avoided through two current samples in the single high-frequency signal injection cycle. Meanwhile the filter is removed to effectively improve the system convergence speed. The simulation results show that compared with the traditional high-frequency signal injection method, the proposed method can achieve high-precision low-speed operation under sensorless control of PMSM, and has good steady-state characteristics and dynamic performance.
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    Effect of homogenization treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-based medium entropy alloys
    ZHAO Yan-chun, SHI Zi-qiang, ZHANG Lin-hao, ZHANG Min-ya, KOU Sheng-zhong
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2023, 49 (1): 1-6.  
    Abstract428)      PDF(pc) (4541KB)(402)       Save
    The (Fe 63.3Mn 14Si 9.1Cr 9.8C 3.8) 98.5Y 1.5(Y=Cu、Ag)、(Fe 63.3Mn 14Si 9.1Cr 9.8C 3.8) 97Cu 1.5Ag 1.5 were prepared by water-cooled copper crucible magnetic levitation melting-copper mold negative pressure suction casting method.The effect of homogenization temperature and time on mechanical properties was studied by establishing the uniformization kinetic equation.(Fe 63.3Mn 14Si 9.1Cr 9.8C 3.8) 98.5Y 1.5(Y=Cu、Ag) and (Fe 63.3Mn 14Si 9.1Cr 9.8C 3.8) 97Cu 1.5Ag 1.5 medium entropy alloys were homogenized at 873, 973, 1 073, 1 173, 1 273 K, respectively. The relationshipwas investigatedbetween its organizational structure and compression performance. The results showed that the uniform distribution of alloying elements is applied and the segregation is significantly reduced, The homogenization alloy is phase stable and still has an fcc structure at 1 173 K, and the compressive mechanical properties of the entropy alloy of (Fe 63.3Mn 14Si 9.1Cr 9.8C 3.8) 97Cu 1.5Ag 1.5 is the best at 1 173 K, and the compressive strength and plastic strain were 3 992.4 MPa and 35.75%, respectively, and the experimental results were consistent with the calculational prediction of the equation of homogenization diffusion kinetics.
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    Design of virtual and real interactive monitoring system for CNC machine tools based on digital twins
    HUANG Hua, LI Jia-ran, LI Dian-lun
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2023, 49 (1): 36-43.  
    Abstract423)      PDF(pc) (5660KB)(612)       Save
    Aiming at the problem that the actual operating status of CNC machine tools is not directly reflected by traditional monitoring technology and virtual simulation technology, a virtual-real interactive monitoring system for CNC machine tools based on digital twins technology is designed by combining the new generation of information technology and the concept of digital twins. In addition, taking a CNC machine tool as example, the system architecture and related functions are first designed through Portal software. Based on that, the information collected by the sensor is transmitted to the system through PLC and Ethernet for analog conversion; and the digital twins data in the system is connected with the digital twins to realize the reception and transmission of information, then the combination of virtual and real are completed through OPC-DA. Finally, this method is used to monitor the vibration signal of the machine tool in real time and design a remote control panel. The experimental results show that the system using the virtual-real interactive monitoring system and digital twins of the CNC machine tool to double monitor the machining process can reflect the actual operating status of the machine tool more effectively and intuitively. Meanwhile the digital twins is virtually controlled by the virtual-real interactive monitoring system, and the application field of digital twins technology is further expanded.
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    Effect of heat treatment on the corrosion behavior of 347H stainless steel in molten nitrate salt
    TANG Meng-lan, WANG Jun, LIU Tian-zeng, LI Jun-chen, FENG Li
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2021, 47 (5): 1-9.  
    Abstract413)      PDF(pc) (11473KB)(300)       Save
    In this paper, a static molten salt immersion experiment is used to study the corrosion behavior of 347H stainless steel with different grain sizes in mixed nitrate molten salt (60%NaNO 3+40%KNO 3) at 565 ℃ for up to 120 h. The corrosion kinetic curve is drawn by the weight gain method, the surface corrosion products and phases of 347H stainless steel are studied, and the micro-area composition of the corroded surface is analyzed to explain the corrosion mechanism of 347H stainless steel in nitrate molten salt. The results show that the corrosion rate of 347H stainless steel whose grain size is adjusted by solution treatment decreases during molten salt corrosion, and the corrosion kinetics curve becomes a linear growth trend. Through XRD detection, the corrosion products of 347H stainless steel in molten nitrate salt are mainly Fe 2O 3 and a small amount of Fe 3O 4 and NaFeO 2. Fe 3O 4 has a compact structure, which can effectively reduce the corrosion of nitrate molten salt to the steel matrix, resulting in a decrease in the quality loss of 347H stainless steel in the later stage of corrosion. The results of corrosion product morphology and cross section thickness analysis show that the corrosion layer thickness of 347H stainless steel reaches the minimum of 0.661 μm when the grain size of the stainless steel reaches 7 after solution treatment at 1 160 ℃-1 h, and the corrosion resistance of 347H stainless steel in molten nitrate salt reaches the best.
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    Metal recovery from spent lithium-ion power batteries by roasting and water leaching method
    WANG Da-hui, ZHANG Ke, CHEN Huai-jing, LIU Zhen-ning, HU Ping-ping
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2021, 47 (5): 10-18.  
    Abstract396)      PDF(pc) (7625KB)(100)       Save
    Lithium-ion power batteries have been widely used in new energy vehicles. The clean and efficient recovery of Li, Ni, Co, Mn and other metals after their scrap is of great significance to promote the recycling of non-ferrous metals. Li, Ni, Co, and Mn are recoveringfrom lithium-ion power batteries using LiNi 0.5Co 0.2Mn 0.3O 2 as the cathode material, and TG-DSC, XRD, ICP-OES, XPS, and thermodynamics and other studies is used to study the phase evolution law of the recycling process and the main factors which affect the metal recovery rate. The research results show that the mixture composed of LiNi 0.5Co 0.2Mn 0.3O 2 and NaHSO 4·H 2O, the occurrence state of Li, Ni, Co, and Mn after roasting have been changed from the complex metal oxide form which is insoluble in water into the form of water-soluble metal sulfate. After roasting, the roasted product is leached with water under certain conditions, the elements Li, Ni, Co, and Mn are transferred to the aqueous solution in the form of metal ions for recovery. The composition of the mixture and the roasting temperature restrict the occurrence of Li, Ni, Co, and Mn elements in the roasted material, and are also the main factors affecting the recovery rate of Li, Ni, Co, and Mn; the roasting and water leaching process is adopted.
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    Study on deformation characteristics and mechanical behavior of rock under low temperature freezing state
    XI Xin-lin
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2022, 48 (2): 21-27.  
    Abstract395)      PDF(pc) (3601KB)(450)       Save
    In order to study mechanical behaviorof frozen rock under different water content in frozen soil area, the uniaxial compression test and Brazilian splitting test of tuff and basalt frozen soil specimens at room temperature 20 ℃ and low temperature -20 ℃ were carried out. By observing its deformation behavior and acoustic emission activity, the fracture failure process and the effect of water content on the strength and deformation properties of the material were studied. The results showed,the fracture process of frozen rock can be divided into the following stages:Ⅰ stage is crack pore closure;Ⅱ stage is elastic deformation;Ⅲ stage is crack initiation and stable crack propagation;Ⅳ stage is unstable crack propagation. At the same time, the stress level at the beginning of stage Ⅲ increases with the increase of water saturation. The peak stress intensity and strain increase with the increase of water content, and the relationship between them can be approximated by a straight line. Rock brittleness decreases with the increase of water content, and the influence of indirect tensile strength on water content is more sensitive than uniaxial compressive strength.
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    Effective thermal conductivity and microstructure design of fully ceramic microencapsulated fuel pellet based on finite element calculations
    ZHANG Xu-dong,DENG Jun-kai, MA Da-yan, CAO Hui-ying, ZHANG Rui-qian, TANG Rui
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2022, 48 (2): 9-15.  
    Abstract383)      PDF(pc) (3469KB)(473)       Save
    To study the thermal conductivity of a fully ceramic microencapsulated (FCM) pellet, the sphere method was used to predict the effective thermal conductivity of the multilayered tri-isotropic (TRISO) particle by finite element method. Meanwhile, the effective thermal conductivity of the FCM pellet was calculated by a multi-scale equivalent representative volume element method and optimized by adjusting the content and distribution of TRISO particles. The simulation results showed that the effective thermal conductivity of the TRISO particle and FCM pellet can be predicted quickly and accurately by using the sphere method and the multi-scale equivalent method, and the effective thermal conductivity of the TRISO particle can be improved byadjusting the thickness of the SiC layer.An FCC-stacked microstructure using TRISO presented to makethe FCM pellet possesse higher content fuel particles and exhibits improved heat conduction performance.
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    The calculation method for influence of photovoltaic power generation system on three-phase voltage unbalance degree of distribution network
    CHEN Wei, NI Yuan-hong, JI Qing-chun, WANG Zhong-fei, HE Feng
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2023, 49 (2): 76-82.  
    Abstract382)      PDF(pc) (1911KB)(448)       Save
    Aiming at the deficiency of traditional deterministic power flow calculation in the evaluation of three-phase voltage unbalance caused by distributed photovoltaic power stations connected to the distribution network, a method based on multi-point linearization semi-invariant probabilistic power flow and importance sampling was proposed to evaluate the unbalance degree of distribution network. First, given the limitations of the Beta distribution, the adaptive nonparametric kernel density estimation method was adopted to characterize the photovoltaic output and load fluctuation random process to improve the modeling accuracy, and then the method of piecewise linearization semi-invariant was used to perform stochastic trend analysis to reduce the error due to uncertainty. Afterward, the mixed Copulas connect function was constructed to calculate the unbalance of the public connection point. Finally, the sampling method was used to get the mean value of unbalance degree for evaluation. In the end, the effectiveness of the proposed method was verified by the simulation analysis of the IEEE33 node system.
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    Research on DR digital imaging automatic detection method of blade air film hole processing defects
    LIU Tao, SHI Yu, LI Chun-kai, SUN Zhong-chen, MAN Yue-e, LV Jian
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2021, 47 (5): 19-23.  
    Abstract357)      PDF(pc) (3987KB)(685)       Save
    Air film holes are one of the important cooling structures in turbine blades, it has great significance to improve the cooling efficiency of aircraft engines, reduce the temperature of the combustion chamber and even increase the service life of the engine. However, in the actual course of working, it is easy to have internal defects such as unopened air film holes, deflection, and damage to the inner wall due to external factors. Traditional detection methods mainly use artificial film X-ray method to detect internal defects, but there are problems such as low detection efficiency, high cost and high dependence on the experience and skills of the inspectors. This paper proposes an automatic detection method for air film hole defects based on X-ray digital imaging technology. By studying the equivalence of DR digital images and film images, the law of the effect of the transillumination angle on defect recognition and the optimization of the detection process, key technologies based on deep learning neural network defect self-recognition, high-precision detection and intelligent recognition of blade air film hole processing defects are realized.
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    Analysis of flow field and hydraulic characteristics of liquid-ring pump as vacuum pump and compressor
    ZHANG Ren-hui, YU Hao, WEI Xiao-xiao
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2021, 47 (5): 45-52.  
    Abstract346)      PDF(pc) (6753KB)(309)       Save
    The inner flow and performance of vacuum pump and compressor conditions of 2BE liquid-ring pump were analyzed by using numerical simulation and experimental method. Analysis results show that the volume flow rate of compressor is less than that of the vacuum pump under the same pressure ratio, and the ratio of volume flow rate and efficiency decrease with the increasing of pressure ratio. The distribution of phase, velocity and pressure field are basically the same under the conditions of vacuum pump and compressor. The secondary flow in the exhaust zone and the transition zone of the compressor are obviously stronger than those in the vacuum pump condition. Under the same variation of pressure ratio, the pressure in the exhaust area of the compressor increases significantly. The frequency characteristics of pressure for the pump casing shows obviously partition characteristics along the circumferential direction. The main frequency characteristic of vacuum pump is the same as that of compressor. Under different pressure ratios condition, the pressure fluctuation amplitude of the inner wall of the pump housing in compressor condition is larger than that of the vacuum pump. With the increase of the pressure ratio, the pressure fluctuation amplitude for the compressor exhaust zone and transition zone increases obviously.
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    Numerical simulation of temperature field of flux bands constrained arc welding T-joint
    FENG Rui, WANG Lei, LU Wan-quan, WANG Guang-yu, QIAO Ji-sen
    Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology    2022, 48 (5): 1-7.  
    Abstract346)      PDF(pc) (5833KB)(294)       Save
    In order to investigate the distribution law of temperature field of flux bands constrained arc (FBCA) welding in T-joint which is the basic welding unit of I-core sandwich panel, a computational approach was developed to predict the temperature field of T-joint by FBCA welding based on ABAQUS nonlinear finite element software. The calculated results were compared with the actual measurement results, and the heat distribution on the respective paths of the face and the core plate were studied. The result showed that the temperature field of T-joint in FBCA welding is symmetrically distributed along the weld center, and the heat distribution is mainly concentrated on the face plate. The combined heat source model can not only precisely simulate the temperature distribution morphology of weld section and the width of heat affected zone compared with the experiment, but also have a good agreement about the thermal cycle of typical points measured by the IR camera, which verifies the rightness of the combined heat source model in calculating the temperature field of T-joint in FBCA welding.
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